Why Does Healing Sometimes Take So Long?

— by Dr. Elena Michaels


Someone recently contacted me saying she was frustrated that her health goals had not been achieved.  She wanted to give up on the program we had created because things “weren’t happening fast enough”.

Sometimes healing happens rapidly, then it may stall for a bit and plateau, and then speed up again.  Frustration and disappointment in ourselves, only hinders the process of healing.  Being loving toward ourselves contributes to our healing.

It’s important to remember that if an imbalance in physiology has been going on for several decades, it might take more than one month to change!  Being patient and trusting the process is very important.

Depending upon what your health goals are, you may experience rapid changes and improvements like Marianne and others have.  See their videos and comments at http://drelena.com/testimonials

I personally have experienced frustration as I’ve dealt with my own health challenges as my body has worked it way toward balance and healing.  The key is to be patient, know that everyone is unique and to trust the innate healing power of the body.

I do believe there is a divine intelligence…how can there not be? Look at the divine symmetry found in nature, the exquisite beauty of a young child, or the inspiration from a colorful sunset to be reminded that that higher intelligence is at work.

When I was dealing with advanced stage cancer and healing from the shock of that diagnosis and the treatment, I would look at my cat who would often come and lie on my chest, somehow seeming to know that doing that comforted me. Everything about her was perfect…and she didn’t even know it.  😉

She had no awareness of her beauty.  I thought, “Whatever intelligence created her, is always at work creating, and if it can create this perfection and balance in her, it can create perfection in my body”.

I would look at whatever was in front of me (making sure to have positive and uplifting things in my visual field) and try to find the perfection and balance in it. Looking out the window or being outside and looking at nature, is wonderful for finding the “positives”.  That is what I saw because that is what I was looking for.

Since our bodies are the physical manifestation of energetic frequencies, sometimes simply working on the physical level by taking supplements and sticking to a food program, is not enough.  There may be emotional issues, even unconscious ones we are not even aware of, that may be sabotaging the work we are trying to do.

Chronic illness, weight loss and autoimmune issues often take some time to completely resolve.  It takes many years for some of this situations to develop and manifest physically, so expecting very rapid results may sometimes not be realistic. However, positive movement can take place and we can move toward our health goals.

If you are not moving forward fast enough in your healing goals, really look closely at yourself.  If you’ve been “slipping” in your program, perhaps you are not being being honest with yourself about taking your supplements, sticking to your food plan, sleeping enough, or maybe you are letting stress get to you and not managing it well, being exposed to chemicals or using drugs or alcohol, or not dealing with emotional issues.

When we are working on healing, it is important that we acknowledge the small steps, taking note of those forward movements and being patient with ourselves and trusting that our highest good will prevail.

Our bodies were designed to be in balance, at an ideal weight, with calm emotions and a sense of joy.  Looking at all aspects in a holistic way, can often unlock what may have been sabotaging our goals.

Blessings to you on your journey,

Dr. Elena 😉



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