“What’s Our Next Step, Dr. Elena”?

You may have come in to see me or perhaps your sessions have been via phone or skype. You may be wondering about your progress and ask me, “What’s our next step”, “What’s the plan”, or “Where are we going with this, Dr. Elena”?


Those are valid questions and the answer is as different as the people asking the question. Usually someone sends this question via email or text message, and expects a quick answer.

There is no way I can know what our “next step” is and respond in a professionally ethical way about what is best for you at the stage of healing you now, without knowing more about how you are feeling.

I need to have feedback from you.

My response cannot be done via text or email. When I tell people this they may have sent me long texts or emails updating me on symptoms, where I’m asked what supplements to continue, which to incorporate, etc.

You deserve an accurate answer that is specific to you. You are unique. What is right for others may not be what is right for you.

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We need to schedule a time to meet, skype or talk on the phone as there are questions I have to ask you. There may be aspects of what is going on that are not clear to you, questions I will need to ask you about how you are doing and feeling and it has to be a two-way dialogue.

For me to help you in the best way, and for me help you from a place of integrity and what is best for you, it is important to have a dialogue about it.

You might ask me, “How long to do I need to take this product”? The answer might be, “I don’t know…it depends upon you, your symptoms, your energy, your blood tests, other tests we might do or re-do to follow up and see your progress, what is going on in your life emotionally, environmentally and even spiritually, what else you may have been doing regarding your diet, the stressors in your life, if you are sleeping, how you are exercising, what has changed” and so on.

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Don’t cheat yourself and don’t cheat on your health. You deserve to feel well, be happy, enjoy life and have the energy to live fully.

Expecting me to respond with a short email or text with a detailed answer when I don’t have all of the facts about what is going on with you and where I cannot ask you questions, cheats you out of getting the best service and care from me. I am here to help you and to give you the best service, care, feedback and direction that I can. I want you to feel great and be well. My passion is to help you do that.

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Healing takes time. It took you a long time to get to the imbalanced state that brought you to me. It’s a process. Your body changes over time and we adjust what we do, depending upon those changes.

Check in, make an appointment and give yourself the gift of health. You deserve it.


In health, healing and happiness,

Dr. Elena 😉




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